6 Ways to Stop Catastrophizing
6 Ways to Stop Catastrophizing
As a therapist specializing in anxiety, trauma, and pain, I witness a lot of Catastrophizing when it comes to ...
Peter Bedard MA, C.Ht.
Health and Fitness
How to Balance Work, Life, and Fitness
How to Balance Work, Life, and Fitness
Make being physically fit a top Priority in your life. In order to achieve balance in your health, work, and y...
Kevin Bailey
Health and Fitness
What gets you out of bed everyday...
What gets you out of bed everyday...
As a Professional Health and Wellness Coach (THE FEEL GOOD GUY)- I help clients who are overweight, overwhelme...
Kevin Bailey
Health and Fitness
Locker room strain is when there is conflict within the locker room between two, or more parties.
Locker room strain is when there is conflict within the locker room between two, or more parties.
Three ways to avoid and or fix locker room strain • Have regular weekly ‘squad meetings’ that...
Kevin Bailey
Health and Fitness
What are the benefits of exercising in the morning?
What are the benefits of exercising in the morning?
The benefits of exercising in the morning are: • You are more ‘fresh’ in mornings. Usually yo...
Kevin Bailey
Health and Fitness
Balance Between Loneliness and Dependence
Balance Between Loneliness and Dependence
Loneliness can spiral down to other negative emotions because when you feel lonely, you are thinking about not...
Kevin Bailey
Health and Fitness
Brain Tricks to Help You Lose Weight
Brain Tricks to Help You Lose Weight
Losing weight is just as much mental as it is physical and it's importand to get your brain on board with your...
Kevin Bailey
Health and Fitness
10 Tips for a Happier Life
10 Tips for a Happier Life
For many Americans, happiness is on the decline and pain is on the rise! This is according to a recent study p...
Peter Bedard MA, C.Ht.
Health and Fitness
10 Easy Ways to Bring Gratitude into Your Life
10 Easy Ways to Bring Gratitude into Your Life
Did you know that the action of gratitude can actually change your life? Gratitude has been shown to “re...
Peter Bedard MA, C.Ht.
Health and Fitness
Three Suggestions to Make Grieving Easier
Three Suggestions to Make Grieving Easier
Grief is a powerful emotion that most people would rather avoid. Whether you are grieving a friend, lover, a b...
Peter Bedard MA, C.Ht.
Health and Fitness
Tips and Tools for Healthy Flying
Tips and Tools for Healthy Flying
Q. Is it common for people to get sick when they're flying? A. Unfortunately, it is common for people to get ...
Peter Bedard MA, C.Ht.
Health and Fitness
When it Comes to the Flu - Women are Stronger Than Men
When it Comes to the Flu - Women are Stronger Than Men
Women are Stronger Than Men – At Least When it Comes to Fighting the Flu Is the "man flu" real? Do men ...
Peter Bedard MA, C.Ht.
Health and Fitness
To Om or not to Om…
To Om or not to Om…
As a practiced meditator for many years I find it funny when people claim there is a right way to meditate. To...
Peter Bedard MA, C.Ht.
Health and Fitness
Weird Ingredients in our Food
Weird Ingredients in our Food
In the seemingly never ending push to create things more cheaply, the food industry is constantly looking for ...
Peter Bedard MA, C.Ht.
Health and Fitness
Habits happy professionals do before 10am
Habits happy professionals do before 10am
I define a happy professional as someone that is content and aligned with their values. Their actions and job ...
Kenneth Rippetoe
Health and Fitness
Diet and Fitness After 60
Diet and Fitness After 60
Challenge: Most Americans start losing 1 pound of lean muscle tissue each year...
Kevin Bailey
Health and Fitness
The Fear of Drowning
The Fear of Drowning
Approximately one in five people who die from drowning are children 14 and younger. For every child who dies f...
Kenneth Rippetoe
Health and Fitness
Become a successful fitness entrepreneur
Become a successful fitness entrepreneur
Starting any small business can be daunting. Learning how to address and overcome challenges that arise can be...
Kenneth Rippetoe
Health and Fitness
Why Do Some People Like To Wear Or Support One Specific Athletic Brand or Support One Specific Athletic Brand
Why Do Some People Like To Wear Or Support One Specific Athletic Brand or Support One Specific Athletic Brand
Brands are very important to people, especially athletes! They represent a level of excellence that one wants ...
Kevin Bailey
Health and Fitness
Releasing the Victim
Releasing the Victim
For many of us, playing the victim is a way of life. We blame everyone for our...
Peter Bedard MA, C.Ht.
Health and Fitness
How many calories does swimming burn?
How many calories does swimming burn?
Weigh in on why swimming is a great calorie-burning workout, including what factors into your calerie burn (st...
Kenneth Rippetoe
Health and Fitness
Do You Use Food To Cope? Don’t fret! There is a way to end Emotional Overeating once and for all!
Do You Use Food To Cope? Don’t fret! There is a way to end Emotional Overeating once and for all!
Are you turning to food when you feel sad, overwhelmed or angry? Are you unhappy with your physical appearance...
Dr. Sheila Forman
An Unfortunate Side Effect of the Pandemic – Childhood Obesity
An Unfortunate Side Effect of the Pandemic – Childhood Obesity
The coronavirus pandemic has impacted so many areas of our lives from job loss and home schooling to dealing w...
Dr. Sheila Forman
How to Bounce Back from the Anxiety, Stress and Depression
How to Bounce Back from the Anxiety, Stress and Depression
Our global pandemic is bad news no matter how you look at it. Not only have we as a nation experienced unimagi...
Dr. Sheila Forman
“Drop and Give Me Ten”: A Technique for Interrupting a Quarantine-Induced Binge
“Drop and Give Me Ten”: A Technique for Interrupting a Quarantine-Induced Binge
When the COVID crisis began and we were instructed to stay at home, many of us joked that we would gain the qu...
Dr. Sheila Forman
Make Your Easter Chocolates Last – Eat them Mindfully!
Make Your Easter Chocolates Last – Eat them Mindfully!
Are you a mindless eater? You know the kind who gets to the bottom of the chip bag but doesn’t remember ...
Dr. Sheila Forman
Family Dinner – We Need it Back!
Family Dinner – We Need it Back!
Long gone are the family dinners lovingly portrayed on the old black and white TV shows like Father Knows Best...
Dr. Sheila Forman
How to Get Your Kids to Eat Right
How to Get Your Kids to Eat Right
Just go to any playground or schoolyard in town and you will see more overweight kids than at any other time i...
Dr. Sheila Forman
Sit Down to Get the Pounds Off!
Sit Down to Get the Pounds Off!
If you have struggled to get weight off and keep it off, it is possible that you have been going towards your ...
Dr. Sheila Forman
Coping with the Pandemic Fallout
Coping with the Pandemic Fallout
The global pandemic that has enveloped the world has left so many people in dire straits. From economic hardsh...
Dr. Sheila Forman
Pandemic Side Effect - The Rise of Low Self-Esteem
Pandemic Side Effect - The Rise of Low Self-Esteem
The coronavirus pandemic has done a real number on people’s mental health. The number of cases of depres...
Dr. Sheila Forman
Meet a New Saboteur: Stress Snacking
Meet a New Saboteur: Stress Snacking
We all do it. Grab a bag of chips when life is stressing us out. In the moment those salty crunchy delicacies ...
Dr. Sheila Forman
Why Eating the Wrong Breakfast Makes You Fat
Why Eating the Wrong Breakfast Makes You Fat
How often have you found yourself forcing down rice cakes with fat free cottage cheese for breakfast hoping th...
Dr. Sheila Forman
Ready, Set Go? Coping with Reentry Anxiety
Ready, Set Go? Coping with Reentry Anxiety
Over 125 million Americans are fully vaccinated. The CDC is loosening mask requirements and shops and restaura...
Dr. Sheila Forman
Brain Fog
Brain Fog
When a person is depressed, they often experience a decline in their cognitive functioning. This means they ha...
Dr. Sheila Forman
Climate Anxiety
Climate Anxiety
Climate change has been linked to changes in individuals' mental health, and more research is directed at lear...
Gayani DeSilva MD
Advocating for Your Health with your Insurance Company - Post-Covid
Advocating for Your Health with your Insurance Company - Post-Covid
Although heavily regulated, Private Health Ins. is a contract, especially if it is an Obama policy that provid...
Alexis Rosenberg, Esq
Early Signs of Dementia
Early Signs of Dementia
Dementia is an umbrella term for several different diseases. You can have Alzheimer’s, Vascular dementia...
Larry Carlson
Climate change has been linked to changes in individuals' mental health, and more research is directed at lear...
Gayani DeSilva MD
Difference between Cravings and Addiction
Difference between Cravings and Addiction
People often wonder if they are becoming addicted to something. Maybe they are. Let's find out with psychologi...
Dr. Sheila Forman
Mental Health/Happiness
Mental Health/Happiness
What is happiness? We all wonder about that from time to time. And, what if we are not happy? Are we depressed...
Dr. Sheila Forman
Do You Want Sugar with That?
Do You Want Sugar with That?
Stand in line at any neighborhood coffee shop and you will hear people order creative concoctions that almost ...
Dr. Sheila Forman
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