Understanding Suicide
Understanding Suicide
One suicide a year is too many. In 2017, there were 47, 173 suicides leading to death. There were over 1,300,...
Abuse of Power
Abuse of Power
The abuse of power is unfortunately not new. It is not a gender situation, an age situation or a demographic s...
Turning a negative into a positive and a conversation
Turning a negative into a positive and a conversation
If you saw the news last week, you might have heard Lara Spencer, host on Good Morning America, make some inse...
Employee Activism Is Gaining Traction
Employee Activism Is Gaining Traction
Labor unions in the United States are almost as old as the country itself. Having started as early as 1778, la...
COVID-19 Quarantine and Mental Health
COVID-19 Quarantine and Mental Health
Being quarantined and isolated might be one of the most stressful experiences that we share globally. This is ...
Suicide and COVID-19
Suicide and COVID-19
For several years, we have been giving lip service to the importance of mental health. It has been “some...
Dismantling the Culture of Complicity
Dismantling the Culture of Complicity
Peaceful protests, petitions, boycotts and calls for change are all effective ways of influencing governments ...
Ready, Set Go? Coping with Reentry Anxiety
Ready, Set Go? Coping with Reentry Anxiety
Over 125 million Americans are fully vaccinated. The CDC is loosening mask requirements and shops and restaura...
Texas Elementary School shooting
Texas Elementary School shooting
There are seemingly no words to describe our collective and individual reaction to the recent school shooting ...
Grief in America: After the Texas Shooting
Grief in America: After the Texas Shooting
It seems as if we can’t turn on the TV these days without hearing about another school shooting. The sho...
Teaching Teens To Cope With Fear And Grief During Mass Shootings
Teaching Teens To Cope With Fear And Grief During Mass Shootings
Mass Shootings Are A World-Wide Threat For Young People Facts pile up at an archive on gun v...
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