Do You Use Food To Cope? Don’t fret! There is a way to end Emotional Overeating once and for all!
Do You Use Food To Cope? Don’t fret! There is a way to end Emotional Overeating once and for all!
Are you turning to food when you feel sad, overwhelmed or angry? Are you unhappy with your physical appearance...
Dr. Sheila Forman
How to Get Your Kids to Eat Right
How to Get Your Kids to Eat Right
Just go to any playground or schoolyard in town and you will see more overweight kids than at any other time i...
Dr. Sheila Forman
Why Eating the Wrong Breakfast Makes You Fat
Why Eating the Wrong Breakfast Makes You Fat
How often have you found yourself forcing down rice cakes with fat free cottage cheese for breakfast hoping th...
Dr. Sheila Forman
Housewives and Eating Disorders
Housewives and Eating Disorders
Every woman has a different relationship with food. For some, it is a source of comfort, pleasure, or nourishm...
Dr. Sheila Forman
Do You Want Sugar with That?
Do You Want Sugar with That?
Stand in line at any neighborhood coffee shop and you will hear people order creative concoctions that almost ...
Dr. Sheila Forman
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